So we went to the Air Show on Saturday and Sunday ... Yes the same Sunday that broke a 21 year record attendance . I have never heard of an entire industrial section running out of room for people ,but it happened lol. I am very lucky to have the best husband ever that just so happens to have to work that air show ! We had a great day on Saturday ,but an even better one on Sunday when we had not one pair of ear muffs for the baby ,but 2 for the other kids as well !! I was able to sit peacefully and watch the whole show ! YAY me :) hahaha We had a great time . Here are some pics of our awesome day !!
(I need to add that this man was awesome and when my phone deleted this pic he was kind enough to get a new pic with the kiddos lol)
(Who doesn't love the Blue Angels ?)
( Jet truck ... AWESOME lol )
( This truck was accompanied by a police car the same color . They were both full from top to bottom with signatures . They are to raise awareness for breast cancer . It was without a question one of the coolest things at the air show !! )
And last ,but not least .... ( hes going to kill me lol )
This is what 10 years of AWESOMENESS looks like lol !!!
( yes those are my sunglasses hahaha )
Happy Birthday Tim ...
This is it for my awesome weekend !!
Thanks for reading !!